In Sydney
when it's summer in winter
I dreamt rain
and peacocks dancing
their plumage magic trees
of mangoes
and muchkunda flowers ----- together.
In Sydney
when it's summer in winter
I dreamt rain
and peacocks dancing
their plumage magic trees
of mangoes
and muchkunda flowers ----- together.
Gathering them -----
my thoughts
the chains that shackled my thoughts
-----doctor---artist---lover, who was I but I ?
I flew the ocean
to find myself
in Kolkata
in gold
in a jewel that
crafted me by hand, chased me to immortality
and freed me -----
as summers are freed by
the first rain of Srabon.
It took a year
made over and over
but now: for me, for you, and all those
who live to live---to dream---to love
I shall be Sraboni ---- eternally
and for ever.