Fleur-de-lis Pola'r Kankan
It's not always easy to explain it’s not always the monumental we deal with and that the small can as well be monumental. There are those who believe we don’t do the more, let’s say, routine stuff ...
It's not always easy to explain it’s not always the monumental we deal with and that the small can as well be monumental. There are those who believe we don’t do the more, let’s say, routine stuff — and that’s true. Since most of what we do is bespoke, why would anyone be interested in coming to us to make what’s general. And this kankan pala is very general. Granted, it’s exquisitely finished, each fleur-de-lis marvellously stamped out along both sides and the cut-out quatrefoil folded over the sharp ridge.
It’s one sheet of gold, punched out with the pattern while flat, and then folded over the top and planed gently along the sides of the pala to give it this jafri effect. It isn’t fretwork, though ; simply, punch-katai. And the surface is imparted a terrific mirror polish.
Notice the safety catches : though slightly flimsy, they do the job of holding firmly the gold patterning on the pala, and there are two of them on each for extra safety.
You’ll get this everywhere in Cal; perhaps not everywhere but more or less reasonably at most jewellery establishments concerned with heritage. What’s different about ours is the finish, and the sinlessness of the gold, and the certain something that you can’t quite put your finger on but can feel intrinsically, anyway, in all our jewellery.
Also, if you can look past the context of the jewel — it’s a sign of marriage for Bengali women — you’ll find the ornament is actually very stylish, and quite unique. Firstly, you get rid of the baggage of social mores, then make the palas interchangeable so wearing them in different colours makes them, and you, feel fresh and lively.
It’s a pola’r kankan, but there’s still something legitimately regal to it. The fleur-de-lis, cleverly revealed as voids, must be the reason why it feels grand. Anyway, here it is, an everyday jewel by us.
Now, let's talk bespoke.